Your restaurant in the Hotel Bayrischer Hof in Wels

Opening hours and reservation options

In the restaurant of the hotel Bayrischer Hof in Wels you can look forward to regional delicacies, which were prepared with much love for you. Premium beef steaks are just one of the highlights on the menu.

For your table reservation or questions about using the Grillkota
please contact the friendly receptionist
of Hotels Bayrischer Hof
on +43 (0) 7242 47214
or at


Reserve your favourite date.

  • With early reservation (1-2 days before) also at noon from 8 persons from 11:00 to 14:00 o´clock
  • For weddings / christenings / food / class reunions / festivities can also be reserved at short notice (and for weekends from 30 people) (full day by appointment at 07242/47214)
  • Company holidays from Christmas to Holy Three Kings (at this time our hotel & restaurant operation is closed) as well as the 22nd of July to 15th of August 2019 - (during this time we offer our guests a small menu and snacks for the little ones on)
[Translate to English:] Grillkota

Exceptional food in Wels

Celabrating in the finnisch Grillkota

Are you planning a small family celebration in Wels or would you like to end your company seminar in a cozy atmosphere? Are you looking for something special for your corporate Christmas party or your wedding reception? Then the Finnish Grillkota in the Bavarian court is just right for you! Friends, work colleagues or family: a maximum of 11 people can be accommodated here.

In the closed Grillkota you can barbecue to your heart's content all year round. Reindeer skins, cutlery with wooden handles, birch wood cups and much more ensure a Nordic flair and lots of cosiness.



Book 3*